Tuesday 8 February 2011

and here's the contents page!

I'm also, over all, pleased with my contents page too! I feel it went as planned, fitted together well and was simple to construct, without many issues to attempt to solve. I feel the colours and layout where a huge success and matched the cover perfectly! as did the layout of the heading and the fonts. The images fitted well together and feathering them meant that, instead of looking edgy and shoved together, they looked blended and flowed well. I do, however, feel my text column was too small and could have been made bigger. With more planning on the size of each part and how I would manage to fit it all in, I feel it would have panned out better and looked more attractive. This will mean I must also think carefully about the size of the images and their layout more next time too, to allow for the extra space for my text column. I feel editing the hue, saturation and exposure of the images made them brighter and more appealing to the eye. This will draw the reader in more and encourage them to read through the magazine. My page names where a little too long to be quickly read, however, using 'you' and 'your' means the reader will feel directly aimed at and that they can relate to the content. Putting the main cover line's story in bold will allow the reader to flick straight to what may have been what initially caught their eye. Over all, I believe for my first contents page, this was very successful and I feel I have done well. I will work to improve on all of my downfalls next time to make the next piece of work even better!

1 comment:

  1. Very Well done on both the front cover and contents page! it shows a real commitment to your studies, and an understanding of the key skills required to make a success of this subject! you should be proud of this!
