Tuesday 8 February 2011

School Magazine Front Cover!

After a lot of hard work, fiddling and adjusting, I have finally completed my front cover! YAY! Overall, I'm really pleased with it. It's pretty much exactly what I had planned and it all pieced together really well. The colours are school colours and both go very well together, meaning it's pleasing to the eye annd will encourage students to pick it up. The image is relevant and a very up beat, happy image, especially after adjusting the hue and saturation to liven the colours up. The cover lines are the same as I planned and I found I had to change the wording to make it sliughtly more apealing to the reader. To improve, I would liven up the picture and include more mise-en-scene to ensure it's more relevant to the cover and brighten up the cover lines to make them more visible to the reader, attracting more of an audience because they will be able to read the cover from a distance. If I correct all this next time, I feel my magazine cover will have a greater result.  Without further ado.. here is my cover!

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