Thursday 3 February 2011

School Magazine Planning!

So our first project is to plan and create a school magazine cover and contents page using photoshop, wahoo!

So I've set off at my first go at properly planning a cover. Drawing up a rough draft of what I hoped to make it look like and analysing it really helped me! I was able to see all of it's good points and bad points, and correct anything I worried wouldn't work for it before I created it, to avoid disaster! I was able to think thouroughly so I had a clean, stong idea of what I wanted to save me time and to gain full potential of the outcome. This worked really well for me and all of the hard thought and planning work will definitely pay!

During my front cover planning, I'm pleased with my idea of layout and cover stories I've used. The colours are school colours and work well together which is brilliant! and I've included  large number to atteact the audience. I've included the word 'free' to encourage people to grab it and feel pleased over all. However, I could have put more thought into the picture and taken more time to think about it properly. It does co-ordinate with the main cover line, however, it is a bit plain and bland. Also, I feel I should  include more analytical information for myself with more specific reasons for things and with more detail to try and encourage an even better finished product. And here is my plan!

Following this, I planned my contents page. This was a lot harder and i feel I struggled with layout and where to place everything, images that will remain interesting but be school based and what stories would be suitable and interesting that I could include. However, I feel I have captured some relevant images that do catch your eye but are still relevant. I also feel my layout looks to work pretty well with the cover, using the same colours but reversing them to highlight the title and tone down the background, encouraging the audience to read the pages and contents list. However, I feel I have once again only put in basic analysis, meaning my product might not reach it's full potential and that the creation process may be harder and require more attempts. I feel my planning is coming along well however, my analysing skills need improving and working on a bit more to achieve the best possible outcome! So here's my contents plan ..

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