After saving and printing my double page spread, I had a problem. The article text was across both pages, making it look unprofessional and all over the place, and I wasn't sure on the the text over the picture on the left page, and thought the quote would look better in the text. So i set out to change it all about. I started off by making the text in my article smaller, allowing more room to move it over and to add in the quote. I then made the text boxes smaller so that they where completely on the right hand side with extra room left over, which made the image on the left hand side also look bigger and more important, which was my initial aim. I then changed the quotes centering in the text box to 'central' and made it white so it would blend in with the article more, making it look part of it, yet separate at the same time due to it's size and how it's layed out. I then moved the text box into a gap between paragraphs that I'd made in the text, just before the paragraph it is featured in. I then moved the list of the band members into the other bottom corner under the article and out of the way and made it white so it wouldn't stand out too much. I left it slightly bigger than the article so it was still noticeable.
I feel making these changes has definitely improved my double page spread and I am much happier with the new layout and look of it. Here it is:
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