Friday 1 April 2011

Plans for my double page spread...

For my double page spread, I've decided to stick with the theme of black white and red to match the rest of my magazine. I've stuck with a black background to keep it consistent with a contrasting white for the text of the article so it stands out from the rest of the background, making it easier to read even though the font's small and compact.

My main focus will be on my title and image similarly to Rock sound and Kerrang's double page spreads. In order to do this, my image is on the right hand side of the page so it will be looked out automatically due to the mind working in chronological order. It will be a long shot at eye level that's focused on the front liner of the band playing live with another member of the band in the background along with the instruments and equipment in the mise-en-scene to show that they're playing live at a gig. I will leave them in colour, but will make them bright with lights from the background focusing on them to make them look important and focused on. It will mean that it catches the readers attention more. I will also include two smaller images on the top right hand corner of the other band members to include them and show that the whole band is interviewed. These two will be in colour similarly to the main image.

My title will be short and snappy, with a font colour and size change to highlight the main focus of the interview which in my case, will be the band name, as it's all about them. I've also decided to use a quote from the interview as the title as I thought it really worked well and fitted in well. The quote is relevant and short, with a form of humour in to make it look entertaining, as if the article will be. The font will match the rest of the article to fit in. It will be white with the band name in red to make most of it neutral, so the band name which is my focus, stand out as much as possible.

I've also decided to include some interesting, humorous quotes from the article spread out around the page near the images to entice the reader into reading the article due to it seeming entertaining. I've decided to place them by the images so that you will be drawn to the them after you've looked at the images. They will be in red and in the same font as the rest of the text on the page, which will be the same as the contents and front cover for consistency. They will also be in capitals. The capitals and the colour will separate them from the rest of the text and make them stand out which will also help catch the eye. They'll be separate from each other to look separate and not to look too much as the eye won't be able to focus on both.

I've decided to use a line similar to a selling line to introduce and sell my article to the reader. I've made it short, catchy and humorous, meaning it looks exciting, captivating, and makes you want to read on. It's white so it looks part of the article and it's bigger, stretches right across both article columns and bolder so it also stands out from the article. The article itself is separated into two columns chronologically so the audience will read down the left one and move up to the top of the right and read down again similarly to the fashion of both the magazines I have analysed. I also wrote it in story form, adding in little facts, and writing it as a flowing piece, making it easier to follow, and more interesting to the slightly older audience that I'm aiming at.

I've also decided to base the entire page solely on the article, with no section headings or separate article strips on the sides. I feel this way, it looks a lot more pleasing, less writing, and it looks more important, as if it deserves it's own entire double page spread. It makes it look more organised and not over powering on the eye.

I feel this layout will work well for my double page spread, however, am slightly worried that my article will end up too long to fit into the space I gave it, leaving less room for the image, which I want focus on too, but we will see! ...

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