Friday, 1 April 2011

Analysis of Rock Sound double page spread...

This double page spread is much more basic compared to the Kerrang one, which I personally prefer as it's focused purely on it's topic and has no distractions. The colour scheme is much different and a lot brighter, however, is still very co-ordinated, including with the pictures.  The colours are a pastel blue and white, making it look very bright and easy on the eye. The subject is wearing black so he stands out from the picture and page, which is very appealing.

Again, the first thing I noticed was the image, due to the fact it's, similarly to Kerrang, on the right hand page. The Image is in original colour, with a scenery background so it's taken as a portrait. It's also an eye level closeup and focuses on the subjects face, with him looking directly at the camera. This picture straight away insinuates the article is purely about him. It's up close and personal similarly to the image, which is shown because of the images originality and the look about it that's planned. There's also a smaller image to create variety of a medium shot at eye level of the same person with the same facial expression, however, it's a medium shot so that you notice his arm as he's pointing at the quote next to him on the page. This makes the text and images interlink, making it easier on the eye. The image is also appears to be cut out, which adds a nice effect and looks separate to the text because of it.

The title isn't as large as I had imagined which means it doesn't jump straight out of you meaning you have to actually kind of look for it. I feel it should be bigger on most spreads, but on this particular one, it works well with the rest of the article and the image. The text is also written as if it's from the person themselves using the word 'my' four times. This makes it personal, as if the subject is talking to you. Again, the main part of the text is separated by font size. It's a lot larger and introduces what the entire article is about. Again, it's short, snappy and to the point which I like. The name of the person and the band they're from is also featured, making fans of the band more eager to read, and people feel like they know more about them if they don't already. It might also mean that some people discover the band.

The article itself is again written in newspaper/magazine article column form. It has nothing to entice the reader into reading further except itself but with a clear title, it doesn't really need it. The article is also written in story form about the interview with facts and small sections added in from the writer making it easier to read and more interesting. The article has a translucent background behind it to make it easier to read in front of the images background as the background doesn't completely contrast the white text. Again, it's small and compact, meaning more text can fit in, but there isn't too much text making it look pleasant and appealing. I particularly like how they've separated a particular quote that looks interesting and funny, meaning it's entertaining and made it bigger and put it on it's own out of the text. This will make the reader want to read through the text and read more. This is a clever technique.

Overall, I feel this simple layout with it's co-ordinated colour scheme and simple images and layout is appealing and pleasing to the eye and the only section I would change is the heading, just so it would stand out more and draw in the eye.

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