Monday 17 January 2011

Getting going with photshop..

Right. Next lesson, in about 40 minutes, we will be having a photoshop tutorial! *ooooooo!*
ANDDD I'm feeling quite enthusiastic! A little nervous that I'll get confused and left behind, seen as though I can be a bit slow and all, but nethertheless, very excited! Again, I admit I'm not entirely new to photoshop, I've used it for the odd crop and rezise, but nothing too complex, partly because it confuses me! so it will be pretty swish to get a lesson in this! I'll update this all again a bit later with how I've coped, my stresses and drama, what I actrually managed to learn and if it all managed to stay in my head! so keep your eyes out, all the gossip'll be up here soon :D

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