Monday 17 January 2011

So what skills do I need? ...

Well to be able to use this would be a good start! but I'm getting there :)
ok, lets get cracking..
throughout this assesment, there are certain skills that i will require so here's a lovely list of them! enjoy..
- Frame a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;
- Use a variety of shot distances as approptiate;
- Shoot material appropriate to the task set;
- Select mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;
- Manipulate photographs as appropriate to the context for prestentation, including cropping and resizing;
- Accurately use language and register;
- Approach integrating illustration and text;
- Show understanding of conventions of layout and page design;
- Use ICT appropriately for the task set.

It's all very tecnical, I know, but i really think this is going to be worth the work. Not even a week in and thoughts of how I could use all of this are whizzing about my head! YAY!


  1. Lucky you, you will get a practise run tomorrow, planning and creating a nature magazine cover! good luck :)

  2. It keeps getting better and better! :D
