Thursday 20 January 2011

Nature Magazine Cover!

I'm absolutely dying to get my work on here, it's taken me ages and I can honestly say I'm proud of it!
The lesson this was intended to be started in was unfortunately one I was forced to miss due to an exam :(. However, next lesson back, we where given cameras and sent off to take our nature photos! Unfortunately, mine and Lauren's camera's memory card was broken, forcing us to abandon ship, but certainly not hope! So I set myself the challenge to come home and use my own camera to capture an artistic view of nature and use photoshop to turn it into a Nature Magazine cover. So off I went!
Despite the miserable grey clouds and cold weather, I managed to grab myself a couple of happy shots for my cover and my favourite was quickly up on photoshop! I adjusted the hue, saturation, exposure, brightness and contrast before separating the sky and brightening it up, using light effects to highlight the tree. Following this, I began placing in the text and bar code, then created a new layer of the tree's branch to place it over the top of the word 'Season', to make it look as if the word is amongst the tree's branches. I believe this may just be the best piece of work I've done so far, and I hope I can progress throughout my work to conclude with a brilliant final design I can be proud of! So, without further ado ..

1 comment:

  1. This certainly is a good piece of work Kelsey, and most certainly does not look as if it was taken on a cloudy, cold day. You might want to add to your evaluation any problems you may have encounted whilst editing your photo.
